Human Rights Policy
This Policy defines the reference principles and commitments undertaken by the Company for the protection and promotion of human rights in the performance of business activities and in every context in which it operates
Smeuco is committed to respecting and promoting human rights, both through strict compliance with the law in all countries of activity, and through the adoption and application of its own internal codes of conduct and procedures
The analysis identified three areas of activity:
- Management of people
- Relation with suppliers
- Sales and distribution of products
In the 3 relevant areas, Smeuco's reference principles and commitments are identified by area:
- Human resources for people management
- Procurement for the relation with suppliers
- Trade Compliance for sales and distribution of products
Management of people, rejection of forced or obligatory labour and child labour
Smeuco refuses to use any type of forced or obligatory labour (as defined by Convention No. 29 of the International Labour Organization) and prohibits the use of child labour, in compliance with the applicable legislation in the country where the activities are carried out.
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Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Smeuco recognises the right of its employees to set up and/or take part in organisations aimed at defending and promoting their interests, to be represented by trade union bodies or other forms of representation elected in accordance with the laws and practices in force in the various countries in which they are employed. Collective bargaining is recognized as a privileged tool for determining the contractual conditions of its employees.
Working environment and privacy protection
Smeuco safeguards human dignity, declined in the form of non-discrimination for reasons of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, nationality, extraction and social status, trade union membership, age or disability and anything else that may constitute a form of discrimination or intolerance for diversity. It rejects and sanctions, including through internal remedies, any type of act of physical, verbal, sexual and psychological harassment, abuse, threats or intimidation in the workplace. In addition, it ensures the dignity of the worker also through respect for privacy in correspondence and interpersonal relationships between employees, also prohibiting the undue communication and/or dissemination of personal data without the prior consent of the data subject.
Health and safety in the workplace
Smeuco, in compliance with the provisions in force, is committed to protecting the health and safety of workers, preparing all the necessary and appropriate measures in order to guarantee the absolute compliance of the workplace with the highest standards in terms of safety and hygiene.
Supplier Relations
Smeuco requires compliance with the Code of Ethics, the Organization, Management and Control Model and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which prohibit forced labor and human trafficking and which require the protection of equal opportunities, health and safety in the workplace, as well as compliance with minimum wage regulations, working conditions and working hours. In the process of evaluating Suppliers, the possession of reputational and ethical-legal requirements related to the protection of health and safety in the workplace and the environment is verified.
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Sales and distribution of products
Smeuco is committed to preventing the risk of illegal practices related to the sale and distribution of its products through the Trade Compliance Program, under which Smeuco uses tools and processes to monitor activities in sensitive countries. The list of sensitive countries is drawn up on the basis of criteria dictated by national and international regulations and in particular:
- Countries engaged in armed conflict in blatant violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter
- Countries whose policies are in clear conflict with Article 11 of the Italian Constitution
- Countries subject to partial or full embargo issued by the EU, USA, UN
- Countries whose governments have committed serious violations of international human rights conventions
- Countries in the Conflict Mineral Region
Document generated by Smeuco
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